1. Brand Name:


  • Word comfort associates a positive link
  • Name is easy to say, spell and remember
  • With the help of 'Lingzini' found that comforTable.net is available
2. Prototype Image:

Have added floral designed top and cup-boards in the table. This makes the table even more interesting. Another key feature of this table is that the table top can be adjusted while writing (pulled down slightly) and it can be completely pulled down when not in use. This saves space occupied by table

3. My Gap:
I wanted to address some of the key features which will make the study table interesting and comfortable to use. It can be used to

  • Storing small things. 
  • Has power connection and could be used for multipurpose needs like using laptop, can be used for hanging small items in hooks, good lighting, fan etc.
  • Lockable wheels makes it easy to move, lock and clean underneath
  • Has good storage space
  • Adjustable top
  • Colorful floral designs make it more interesting 
4. Next Steps for further Refinement:

Ideally the next step can be to talk to actual people in the market who manufacture table. Some more refinements can be made to the table based on the subject matter experts' suggestion

5. Other Information:

We ve learnt many things in this course that can be used in our day to day life. Many simple or complicated gaps in our daily life can be managed well using the techniques learnt here.

Another interesting fact is that i learnt to use Google Sketch Up tool. This is a very interesting tool to learn.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


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